7 Feb 2012

i am waiting.

The suns warm my left cheek and the breeze is chilling my right.
There's 3 helicopter's hovering up ahead, not sure quite what they're doing. Catching a crim' perhaps?

I can hear the high-pitched gritting screech of the G train to my right, and the roar and rumble of the over-sized SUV's on the motor-way straight ahead. Behind me the flakey, wrinkled leaves are rustling in the gusts of cold, New Yawk wind. 

It's 12.57pm and the Williamsburg Public Library will be open in 3 minutes.

I want to face the sun directly so both my cheeks will be warm from the sun.

These beauties are all the street art that yelled out to me in Rio De Janeiro


  1. Rio looks like a dream.. i want to go there! how is new york little miss sun cheeks? i hope you are okay xxx

  2. I'm so enjoying following your travel adventures Marie. I love this blog. It takes me places from my little quiet treehouse in the waitakeres. You are experiencing so many incredible things, sights smells and cultures. It's wonderful! Thank you for taking the time to share it with us!

  3. Thanks so much Louise! How is the Waitak going?
    Huniiii Rio IS the dream, a smelly dream. But a dream all the same :)
    New York is crazy amazing, you would love Williamsburg. Come be my roomie soon ok?
    Hope your good, fill me in :) xoxox
