21 Mar 2012

i am getting there.

Soo I guess now it's time to really, really SERIOUSLY immerse myself in the creative industry here.
And after 3 weeks of researching/salivating over just an inkling of the design agencies and studios that are sprawled throughout BK and NYC abroad, I've realised that this is what I'm here for.
Whether it's creating work for these amazing creatives, or just appreciating them from afar, it's time to get involved.

I would like to share with you a selection of work from various companies that made me stop, think, and smile. Enjoy!

Perfectly formed, beautiful script by the talented team at Louise Fili Ltd., where Jessica Hische used to work. 
The colors Louise Fili Ltd. use are perfect for creating a well-thought out design style. 
The style they often emulate resembles beautiful old packaging, a style that you see quite often throughout packaging, but never emulated as well as this.

Such a sucker for collage style or hand-rendered design! 
Athletics frickin' ace it. A bunch of young, ambitious designers in a small studio, who bounce ideas off each other as well as work on projects on their own. 
The variation in style across different medias is inspirational.

Oh man. Oh man. Every single creative that I look at, at Hugo & Marie gives me a little tingle up my spine and I do that whole shaking-my-head-in-amazement thing.
Some seriously unique illustrators here.
An amazing showcase of talent. 

Another studio that's got a great array of design styles.
Say hello to Hyperakt.

A tight little collection of work created by Mogollon. I love the combination of the quirky sculptures with the hand-rendered text, with bold splashes of color. 

1 comment:

  1. Eek! shriek of excitement. this is YOU all over. little great ball of energy and creativity and drive. go forth and prosper! what an amazing place to be slash just perfect for you.
