30 Jul 2012

i am becoming one of those people

It's a new feeling to me, waking up on a Monday morning and feeling angry and annoyed that it's well, Monday.
I always thought I was a morning person.  Well ah, that's changed.
I couldn't help but wake up and do that half-groan half-cry of utter disgust this morning when my alarm screamed at me. I made mental notes to make sure next weekend to try sleep more/drink less, as I look at my puffy blood shot eyes. I curse myself for not doing that list of work I told myself I would do, knowing I will be up late doing it tonight. 

As I try to focus on my book and be soothed by my music on the subway, I can't help but feel myself get frustrated by the people bumping me and talking loudly to each other. I catch my reflection in the window and am shocked by the sour look on my face. Is that really me?? Am I morphing into a work-hating, complaining, mindless zombie? Oh crap.
Then I think about how incredible my weekend was, and reminded myself there's no reason why every day can be just as incredible. I also reminded myself I'm being a dick: I live in NYC, with cool friends, an amazing job–I'm pretty lucky. If my biggest issue on a Monday morning is that I'm tired, then crap, I have nothing to complain about it.
Being a new week, I think it's a perfect time to think of a few things to get done this week. Starting some new projects is right up there, along with finishing work I was supposed to do over the weekend. Contact family and friend's who are far-far away, yep that's on there. And I think I'm going to add learn to love Monday's on that,  I'm such a firm believer of each day is what you make of it. I guess I just need remind myself that sometimes.  

It's Monday, kick some ass.

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