6 Aug 2012

i am super happy.

Oh how I love laughing while working at the array of twisted intelligent comedians that fill the web with their witty jokes. 
I leave work snickering at the crass jokes I listened to, and try hard to remember exactly how they went, so you can pass it on to someone else. But you always forget the main part of the joke, and end up creating a major anti-climax and look like a muppet.

It makes me pretty happy looking back through your bookmarks bar and re-discovering the beautiful design you hurriedly apple D's back in the dizzay.

Love this collection of typographical advertising, found on Curiocity.

1 comment:

  1. Argh, I love it when u remind me that art + design is not just about what's on trend but about being as creative as you can to deliver a strong message. :)
